Diversity in Publishing Pavilion

The Diversity in Publishing Pavilion will be home to a wide range of titles, publications, and displays. This area will feature exhibits from diverse publishers that will give attendees the chance to talk to editors, writers and authors.
Diverse Title Showcase
Participate in the Diverse Title Showcase - The Diverse Title Showcase will live online before, during, and after the event and allow exhibitors to enter their books in a searchable database. These titles will then be displayed in the online showcase for attendees to review and connect with the publisher.
Exhibitors can use the spreadsheet at this link to submit their titles. Instructions:
1. Maximum of ten titles per imprint
2. Include a separate sheet for each company/imprint with the correct publisher information for each.
3. Read the instructions tab on the sheet for shipping information or for book drop off at the show.
4. There will be a link for a searchable online catalog/database for all titles registered
5. A digital catalog will be made available for download at the show and afterwards.
The online registration form can also be used to submit titles. (Submission deadline: June 16, 2023.) Note: must be current exhibitor to participate.
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Exhibit in the Diversity in Publishing Pavilion
Highlight your publications and authors in the Diversity in Publishing Pavilion.
Located in a prime location in the ALA exhibit hall, this pavilion allows publishers a low-cost opportunity to showcase their latest titles.
For only $1,650, this is what your kiosk includes: (Kiosks are SOLD OUT.)
- 1 meter wide—8 foot high kiosk
- Velcro receptive backwall, suitable for up to 22×28 sign (not included, signage cost extra)
- Pavilion Carpeting
- Storage cabinet
- 1 padded stool
- Header graphic with company identity
- Listing in interactive exhibits directory
Reserve Online Now, (PDF Application) or contact:
Rich Widick, Dawn Kerrigan
[email protected]
Rich: 630/929-7918; Dawn: 630/929-7976
Fax: 630/434-1216 or 630/756-5335