Small Press / Product Table Top Rules and Regulations
Authors, new publications and technologies often are introduced to the library market by smaller start-up companies. In order to give these companies access to the vital market they seek, ALA has designated a special display option for these companies. If your organization is developing new products and services, this is a low-cost opportunity to introduce yourself the library market.
Small Press Tables are $1,100/each
Rich Widick, Dawn Kerrigan
[email protected]
Rich: 630/929-7918; Dawn: 630/929-7976
Fax: 630/434-1216 or 630/756-5335
What It Includes
These exhibitors are supplied many standard benefits as in other areas of the exhibition, but are limited in the method in which they may utilize their display space.
The fee includes:
- One six-foot skirted (in official show colors) display table.
- Carpet (show colors)
- Back drape with a standard booth identification sign
- A standard listing in the interactive exhibits directory
- Exhibitor Badges for access to the exhibit floor
Other furnishings (limited to signage, chairs, wastebaskets, electrical) may be ordered, at an additional charge, from the general contractor. Additional tables may not be brought in or ordered.
Definition: Exhibit consisting of a table-top display of products.
If a violation is identified and not brought in compliance, the exhibitor may be removed from the exhibit hall without refund.
A PDF file of these rules can be found at this link.
Table exhibitors may place a sign or vertical exhibit(s) on their table as long as they fit in the 6’0” x 2’0” (1.83m x .61m) table area and do not exceed 3’0” (.91m) from the table top.
Table exhibitors may hang signage or banners from the back drape support to promote company identity or products. This area is limited to a space 6’0” wide x 4’0” high (1.83m x 122m), extending down from the top of the back drape line.
No exhibit or sign may interfere with, obscure, or block the view of another exhibit. No table exhibitor may construct a back wall or any equipment or display materials other than on the table provided. No product, video equipment or display materials may be placed on the floor.
Exhibitors may only apply for and utilize one table display unit.
Intent: Other table top exhibits are entitled to a reasonable sight line. Displays are limited to the table top due to the nature and intent of the Small Press/Product Area.
Signage: limited to 1 sign or banner from the back drape (limited to 4’ x 6’) OR 1 pop-up standing sign (limited to 2' x 6').
Signs & Products on tables: Maximum height of 3’ permitted. Do not exceed length of table with signs/products.
Only 1 standing sign is allowed in Table Top exhibits.
Display racks or shelves sitting on the floor are not permitted. Additional tables may not be brought in or ordered.
No product, video equipment or display materials may be place on floor, with the exception of one (1) pop-up sign.
If a violation is identified and not brought in compliance, the exhibitor may be removed from the exhibit hall without refund.